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Natural Disasters in Bangladesh

8. Natural Disasters in Bangladesh
Natural disasters are natural forces . We call it natural calamities . These are flood , storm , cyclone , earthquake , river erosion and drought . Natural disasters are caused by nature . Every year our country faces different types of natural disasters . The effects of these disasters are destructive . The poor country has to bear untold sufferings (অবর্ণনীয় দুঃখ কষ্ট) . Houses are destroyed . Cattle are washed away . Trees are uprooted . Roads and highways are damaged . Communications are cut off . Crops are greatly damaged . Fisheries are destroyed . People become homeless . They have to live under the open sky . Sometimes the affected people take shelter on embankments . The after-effects of disasters are serious . Famine breaks out (ছড়িয়ে পড়ে) . Many people die for want of food . Diseases such as cholera , dysentery , diarrhoea and fever break out . People die of diseases . The prices of necessary things go up . After disasters we get foreign aids . But foreign aids are misused . Some dishonest persons are benefited . The truly affected people are deprived . We know Bangladesh is a disaster- prone country(দুর্যোগ প্রবণ দেশ) . Every year we have to face disasters . So we have to take a long –term plan . Our government can play a vital role . Our people must be aware . It is true that we cannot stop natural disasters . But we can reduce our sufferings by taking effective steps.
9. Importance of Education
Education is light . It is a process by which our mind develops . It is one kind of mental and intellectual বুদ্ধি বৃত্তিক training .There are two types of education such as formal and informal. We get formal education from school , college and university . We get informal education from outside educational institutions .Education does many things for us .It makes a complete man .It provides opportunities of growth .Besides education helps to overcome obstacles to progress . By education an educated man becomes aware of his rights and responsibilities .Education ennobles his mind and widens his outlook. On the other hand ,an uneducated man lives in the darkness of ignorance . An uneducated man cannot distinguish between right and wrong .He suffers from prejudices .In Bangladesh , the problems of education are much . The country has a huge population . Most people are poor . They cannot educate their children . Moreover , the government cannot fund the educational institutions . At present the educational institutions are over-crowded . As a result , the students do not get a standard education .Besides many institutions are troubled with politics and violence . But the policy makers of our state are thinking seriously about education .Because education is the yardstick of development. No development is possible without education .To make the people educated , the program of mass education is a must .It is a happy sign that the government has given top priority to education in the national budget .We do not want the curse of illiteracy but we want the blessing of education to build up a prosperous nation.

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